Tall Coreopsis






              FAMILY AND SCIENTIFIC NAME....The other name is tick seed. It's family is the Asteraceace

              The scientific name of Tall Coreopsis is Coreopsis Tripteris.

       INTERESTING FACTS........ Tall Coreopsis can grow up to seven -nine feet tall.

The juice of the Tall Coreopsis was used by pilgrims for treating internal bleeding.

Tall Coreopsis flower has no floral sent. This wonderful plant is in over half of the United States.

The seeds can sell up to TWENTY DOLLARS. Each flower has eight petals. The leaves have three segments.

the Tall Coreopsis has been known to attract song bird and butterflies. Tall Coreopsis has well-drained soil in the

                     sun. It grows best in dry moisture. The Tall Coreotolerant to heat. It is not natural to be in Conneticut and Massachusetts. It is found in prairies, savanas, black soil prairies, and lime stone glades. It grows best in poor soil. The growing months are between July, and September.


Female Sleepy Orange  on Tall Tickseed (Coreopsis triptera), 2013



This cool plant has yellow petals, a brown middle, has a spread of 24 inches, can live up to ten years.







       Some threats are taller plants around it, less sun than full sun, and drought. It can be an invasive 

      self-seeder if spent blooms are not properly dead headed.











Coreopsis tripteris leaves






                                                                                                                                                                                 Flowering plant google


     juvenile google


                                                       roots google









                                               The habitat is in Illinois and lives in fields, glades and along the railroads.

The leaves are divided into three 2 to 3 inches long narrow segments.  4 to 8 feet tall

Bloom period is June through August

Threats a threat to the tall coreoposis is in notched or toothed.

Interesting facts  Some interesting facts are that they are found in no other tallgrass.  Prairie region on dry prairies, savannahs, and grass.  Some plants do best in dry rocky, or sandy areas.


seedlingsiDguideeii,iowaprairiepiantsyiowaliving roadway.com









(Disclaimer~The infromation in the prarie plant guid was collected and composed by the 5th graders, we apolagize for any inaccuracies.)

















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